find your keys. Learn how to navigate the energetics within and around you.
Join Jojo for a Spiritual Development Journey
I am excited to share a unique opportunity for those seeking to deepen their understanding and practice of psychic development, energy healing, and spiritual discernment.
After receiving numerous inquiries for guidance in these areas, I have created a comprehensive offering designed to support your growth. This transformative spiritual mentoring journey includes:
- Intuitive readings and healings tailored specifically for you to enhance your spiritual practices.
- Customized guided meditations that support the reprogramming of your subconscious.
- Energy reading discernment training to sharpen your intuitive skills and empower you to be able to manipulate energy.
- Self-healing techniques that are practical.
Join me for a series of 2-hour intuitive sessions, held every month over the course of 6 months! Together, we will explore and cultivate your spiritual gifts, helping you navigate your path with clarity and confidence.
If you're ready to embark on this empowering journey, please secure your spot today.
Gain Access to Private Lessons on YouTube
You'll have unlimited access to lesson recaps posted unlisted on YouTube and that are shared through the private community group chat!
Typical Schedule:
Session 1: Let's dive into a spiritual development plan of action for your journey, and your intuitive abilities followed by an energy healing session that includes chakra opening.
Session 2: Meet your guides through a guided meditation followed by a lesson on spirit communication discernment.
Session 3: Learn how to write and read your own life contract and sacred agreements, and how to find your soul's purpose while learning about destiny vs free will discernment.
Session 4: Dive into your natal chart to see a snapshot of the sky at the moment you choose to take your first breath (your message to you) and see how this aligns with your life contract and divine numerology. Based on your unique needs enjoy a lesson on spiritual clearing and energy manipulation for healing (including clearing for self and home), and manifesting from the quantum field. Become spiritually empowered to not need to outsource this information in the future.
Session 5: Develop your medical intuitive abilities and energy healing techniques for harmonizing chakras. Chakra readings will go over energy blockages within each chakra to shine light on how to become more in the flow state. Heal pain, imbalances, and chronic struggles. Stop the negative loops!
Session 6: Integration of the shadow, tuning to truth, writing your own definition of spirituality, and conclusions. Now you can ask your guides and angels yourself, you feel empowered to clear yourself and your home and have the quantum understanding of how the laws of the universe work and apply to navigating your best life.
in 6 months you will be confident enough to ditch the outside source and communicate with your spirit with discernment and clarity! You will begin to finally heal yourself from within!
If You've Been Led Here Your Ready to Go Higher!
I write this message to you today in November of 2024 as we officially enter a new era. Pluto's transit into Aquarius was first felt in the '60s however now is the final turning point of a new world. Spirit has made it clear that my ministry must also ascend and evolve. I have the same mission but I am called into spiritual teaching. Spirit says it's time for clients to learn how to do this themselves. I still offer private readings and healings however today is the day when I want you to stop and ask yourself, "How come I can't connect with my spirit, intuition, God, spirit team, my healing abilities MYSELF?"
Although mystics must be listed for entertainment, understand that intuition is for survival. The earth's Indigenous peoples prophesized our current end times and solutions were provided for us. Many of us are bombarded with end times prophecy and this is the perfect community to join to learn how to manage the struggles of prophetic abilities. The only solution, the only way in these times, is to surrender to the Great Spirit, the Spirit of unconditional love and higher frequencies. Stop giving your power away to darkness, healers, or mystics, and learn the language yourself! You are the creator/ creatrix, you are the healer, the savior!
Learning how to connect with spirit will empower you into Christ consciousness which is our #1 tool for saving oneself, family, friends, the animals, and the polluted earth from the reigning darkness that has a hold. Work with me to help develop your understanding of spirit and energy discernment so we can all actively work to transmute the darkness at play. The early seers and myself today, see that there are pathways to a Golden Era, but it is up to all of us individually to choose for the light, immediately cut off the darkness that flows in your life, and integrate the shadow within you as one.
My goal is to empower you to reclaim the lost language of spirit and guide you to become your own intuitive authority. You must choose to stay awake, aware, and connected to source within you and around you to get through these times on Earth. Don't wait any longer, the time is now! Join me and my community of other incredible individuals who choose for the light in this battle. We don't back down or run from darkness anymore.
Choose to ascend into your higher heart space where we can recreate our world with no negative kickback, unlike the processes that happen when we pray, think, or manifest from the polarized brain which creates a polarized result. Essentially those praying for world peace from their minds are also creating world war and without awareness. When we go into our higher heart we tap into unconditional love consciousness. Your heart chakra has a special field known as your zero-point neutral field connection. This is where infinite source flows.
Thank you for your interest, and I look forward to embarking on this transformative journey with you!
Journey with JoJo Spiritual Development Community
The journey with Jojo begins by meeting your guides and angels during your first or second session. This has been one of the most rewarding sessions of my healing arts career because your connection and discernment are your keys to all things as a spiritually sovereign being living a human experience. I love to see and feel the amazing love and grace that our spirit teams have for us! Life on earth is a classroom and the lessons are tough but we do not come alone. You have etheric help and when you develop discernment of the spirits near you, rather than ignore them or stay in a state of confusion, you begin to choose for the light and fight the darkness within and around you through your heightened awareness and confidence. This is how we feel full and at peace.
I begin to work with you in energy reading discernment. Channeling light heals, balances, and transmutes negative or lower energy. Simply channeling light, my angels has healed me from physical, mental, and emotional imbalances, and that is my testimony.
I will teach you how to read your life contract to empower you with clarity in the discernment of timeline, deadlines, and when to be active vs passive in regards to your guidance from spirit and your life. This is another key for survival in unpresident times. Many prophets are given vision before the storm and those that act on their callings end up dodging tragedies and disaster. The universe is always on the side of those who choose for the higher good but it is our choice to flow the light.
I will teach you how to tap into your medical intuitive abilities, how to give yourself an intuitive body scan, and how to do energy healing on yourself and your life. This includes learning how to not fear darkness and to clear the paranormal activity in your life. This journey helps empaths go from dark to light which can be a testing and exhausting experience. Based on the feedback I've received from clients, this journey really helps on so many levels as you ascend through a necessary and inevitable dark night of the soul transition!
Finally, I will help you to raise your serpent, tap into your prana flow for manifesting and a sense of fulfillment, activate your chakras, and integrate the intense downloads, dreams, visions, and shifts that we are all receiving, feeling, and experiencing. Feel confident, well, sexy, clear, loving, and powerful again or for the first time in your life! More than ever we all need to be present and enjoying the moment.
There is an option to join the community group chat on WhatsApp which I highly recommend! This is an amazing opportunity to get your throat chakra flowing, speak your truth, and feel supported and aligned with other high-vibrational individuals. We share dreams, experiences, prophecy, and inspiration to stay connected, learn, and focus. I do not enable but I will hold your hand etherically and by working within Jojo Empathic communities, either through this journey, courses, free group healings, or my YouTube community, Jojo Empathic forms supportive roots to you through Mama Gia at these challenging times on Earth. I've created a safe sanctuary for the lights of the world that are reclaiming their authenticity and power and are ready to live aligned with their higher truths. Challenge yourself to speak up within my communities to regain confidence, and learn how to not fear making a mistake or the awkwardness that many empaths have in groups or by speaking up. You will evolve old patterns, remove blocks, and heal yourself through these 6 months and feel accomplished and ready to go within for all the answers you are seeking. The hand of God reaches down to you with this offering, join us today!
With love and service,
Step 1: Determine Your Goals
Sessions can be tailored to your preferences or we can follow along with the typical schedule.
You're invited to engage in a transformative journey over the next six months, where we will focus on aligning your spiritual goals with the manifestation of your deepest desires and soul's purpose. With personalized support and guidance, we will work together to cultivate a future where you can confidently tap into your innate wisdom, discernment, and spiritual gifts.
Imagine where you could be in six months:
- You connect effortlessly with your higher self and spirit guides.
- You gain clarity on your soul’s purpose, sacred agreements within relationships, and your life contract.
- You learn to navigate self-healing, clearing, and rejuvenation through energy manipulation.
- You feel empowered to discern your ego's voice from your higher wisdom.
- You harmonize your chakras, release attachments and blocks, heal yourself, and develop your unique spiritual skills.
The possibilities are endless when you commit to this journey of soul-seeking and integration.
This journey is for you if you are ready to explore:
- Techniques for spiritual cleansing and connecting with the divine.
- Ways to harness your empathic abilities and maintain energetic hygiene.
- Tools for understanding and navigating your relationships from a spiritual perspective by understanding sacred contracts.
- The power of crystals, sacred geometry, and other metaphysical practices.
If this resonates with you, join today and schedule your first 2-hour session! In the first session, we will discuss your short-term and long-term goals in detail! Together, we can map out a personalized plan that aligns with your vision.
- discernment of free will and destiny charted events
- religious deconstruction
- empowering the divine masculine and feminine
- connect with your spirit babies
- tap into your medical intuitive abilities for yourself, your kids, your pets, your private practice, and your home
- you are a life coach or professional seeking to increase intuitive connection to better assist clients, staff, or teams
- learn how to tap into your akashic guide for understanding past life influence on your current lifetime
- cord cutting assistance
- assisted soul fragmentation and parts healing
- understanding your archetypal patterns to maximize prosperity and for soul integration and wholeness
- learn aura reading
- learn 1:1 divination discernment through private psychic development lessons
- connect with your pets, understand their needs better, and help them heal
- remember and discern your dreams through lucid dreaming
- break myths around spirituality
- feel connected and supported by others who are experiencing end times prophecy
- learn how to manage spiritual attacks and energy vampires
- get control of your telepathic abilities for better mental health
Step 2: Commit to the Journey
Are your goals aligned with the topics discussed? Are you ready to take the first big step OUT of the matrix? We clearly have so much to explore together, and I assure you, time truly flies during our dynamic 2-hour sessions!
As a trusted and certified psychic medium and intuitive healing practitioner, I am here to be your guide on this profound journey. With years of experience, training, and expertise, I will provide you with the insights and tools you need to elevate and get centered on your spiritual awakening journey.
Be ready in your heart to embrace this next step in raising your consciousness and frequency. Remember, this journey is deeply personal—it's between YOU and SPIRIT. I am here as your conduit and guide, dedicated to supporting your evolution every step of the way.
Let’s embark on this incredible path together!
How to commit to the journey...
To get started, please register through the links provided on this page. Once you've registered, you will receive a coupon code to schedule your first 2-hour session. Book directly through my bookings page and schedule your first call. After you schedule your first call, look out for a welcome email that will arrive within 24 hours. This email will include your freebies and important details, including how to join our exclusive Journey with Jojo community private chat group!
Don't wait to schedule your first session! Register when you are ready to start. I recommend scheduling your first session within a 24-hour window of your registration or by booking directly through my bookings page. Once you schedule your first session this will ensure you receive a welcome email with all the necessary information and materials to make the most of your journey and get started including the Zoom link for our first call.
Scheduling is easy and hassle-free. Sessions for this journey are available outside of regular business hours and on weekends. Journey clients get VIP access to scheduling, lessons, and community discussions.
It is ideal to space sessions about 4 weeks apart for this 6-month journey. After checkout, you will automatically receive a coupon code to schedule your first 2-hour session directly from my Bookings Page . This coupon code will allow you to schedule at no additional cost. Keep the code and schedule as you go, or after each session, I can make the next appointment for you. Appointment confirmations are sent via email and provide a link to reschedule sessions if needed.
You can schedule your next sessions as you go or set a schedule.
Step into the New Earth through your 5D connection and higher heart space which is connected to your right brain! This is a woman and human rights revolution and movement that you do not what to miss or act on alone!
Calling all women, men, lightworkers, healers, mystics, medical professionals, people who work with children and animals, teachers, empaths, those fighting for justice and human rights within the legal system, engineers, environmental advocates, parents or parents seeking conscious conception, those in the technology field- literally everyone must take a stand uniquely now! Lightwork is needed in every field as we bring light into dark spaces and systems to transform our world everywhere!
Step 3: Enjoy the FREEBIES and Begin to Experience Freedom, Clarity, and Connection
What's included?
Once you've registered and scheduled your first call, you will receive an introduction email packed with your first 5 downloadable freebies.
*** Enjoy a total of $192.99 of FREEBIES not to mention the DISCOUNTED session rates included in the package cost, a $793.99 in total savings! ***
Here’s what you can look forward to:
- **6 Custom Monthly Audio Meditations** (25-30 minutes each) tailored specifically for you. Each month will focus on your desired area of growth - whether it's mastering tarot reading, breaking through money or relationship barriers, enhancing sleep, experiencing OBE, or healing from addictions. These personalized meditations will be created with love and care throughout our journey together and will help you reprogram your mind through subconscious reprogramming aligned with your personal truths. (*$60 value*)
- **48-Page Mini-Book** - Spiritual Awakening with Ancient Intelligence, available in both print and digital formats. (*$33 value*)
- **24-Page Blank Writing Journal** - Spiritual Awakening Journal to capture your thoughts and insights and help you redefine spirituality on your own terms. (*$29 value*)
- **9-Page Digital Chakra Balancing Guide** to help you open your energy centers. (*$5 value*)
- **30-Minute Audio-Guided Meditation** - Connect with Your Spirit Guides. (*$10 value*)
- **Transcend the Pain of Grief Letter Template** (*$5.99 value*)
Additionally, I’m excited to offer you **2 Email Readings** (6-minute audio recordings) which you can book at your convenience, and the coupon code provided does not expire. (*$50 value*)
This offering is an evolution of my previous program, Journey with JoJo in 2023, which garnered incredible feedback. It has now been enhanced to provide even more personalized spiritual mentoring, precisely designed by assessing the needs of my clients over the years, including requests for private mediumship lessons.
This is a discounted package of 6 intuitive sessions that will help you unravel the mysteries of your past, present, and future, enhance your connection with your soulmates, and discover your soul’s purpose.
This unique package is available at an incredible savings price one-time payment of **$1,499.00** (originally valued at **$2,264.00**), saving you **$793.99**! With this investment, you not only save money but also precious time by avoiding the cycle of continual psychic readings that may often leave you searching for the same answers. Learn how to talk to spirit yourself and with the help of a trusted and certified lightworker!
Throughout my work, I've encountered numerous clients grappling with similar questions time and again. I’ve noticed that many people within our spiritual community struggle with discernment, often overlooking the truth in favor of what feels more comforting or agreeable. Common tendencies include ignoring Spirit’s guidance, believing answers will change over time, or becoming fixated on outcomes shaped by the ego.
This journey is an invitation for you to **release confusion**, **embrace empowerment**, and **cultivate love** in your life. By participating in these sessions, you will learn how to:
- Understand the signs and symbols that invite prosperity.
- Live a guided life aligned with your true purpose.
- Improve your relationships with yourself and others.
- Break free from the chains of addiction.
- Heal emotionally and spiritually through self-healing techniques.
- Connect with the healer within and foster a sense of peace and joy.
Don’t miss this opportunity to invest in your personalized spiritual discernment training. It’s time for you to tap into your own guidance and uncover answers meant solely for you.
**Sign up today** and take the first step towards a more fulfilled and empowered life. Together, let’s unlock your spiritual potential!
- Access and download your Zoom video and audio recordings right after each of our sessions. Additionally, Zoom provides a valuable written transcript and session outline to help you revisit our discussions and insights at your convenience.
- I'm excited to invite you to join the Journey with Jojo 6-Month Spiritual Transformation WhatsApp chat group! This fantastic community allows journey members to engage in topic-based discussions, share ideas, stories, and inspiration, as well as receive important announcements. Participation is completely optional, and if you prefer, you can just observe silently! Either way, I promise you will benefit from the learning opportunities and abundant happiness that await you! Let’s continue to grow together, sign up today.
Meet My Guides - Mama Bear
I have always been guided by the spirit of the sacred mama bear! She is a powerful healer who comes to transform fear into love. Mama bear guides me when I am struggling the most in life, always bringing me back to my truth and helping me to stay grounded. Mama bear is a fierce warrior, who loves deeply yet will sacrifice herself to protect her cubs and with no fear or fu**s given! The sacred bear spirit is one of the wisest teachers in the earth realm yet one of the most targeted by hunters and climate change. Mama bear never gives up, she rests when needed in sync with the natural rhythm of the earth's cycles, fueling herself with fatty foods and berries good for the brain, my sacred bear guide helps me to remain untamed and curious.
Which totems and who guides guide YOU?!
A few more deets...
I am excited to share this opportunity designed to help you deepen your connection with your inner voice, God, and your spiritual guides. Many clients have approached me, seeking guidance on how they can connect with their loved ones on the other side, and I have developed a program that simplifies spirit connection into four easy steps.
**Here’s what you can expect to learn:**
**#1 Oneness:** Develop a profound relationship with yourself, understand your individual responsibilities, and create boundaries with both the visible and invisible worlds. While this step may take time and commitment, it is crucial for your growth.
**#2 Connect:** Learn how to clear your space and energy field, ground yourself, and shield your empathy. This step allows you to open your crown chakra and become receptive to the positive energy from Spirit.
**#3 Discern:** I will guide you in receiving messages from your higher self, God, and your guides, teaching you how to understand these messages through your unique perception.
**#4 Close:** Revisit boundary setting to keep a healthy balance between physical reality and your spirituality. It’s essential to remember that while spiritual exploration is important, being present in your physical life is equally vital.
This program is tailored for those who wish to strengthen their relationship with Spirit rather than solely learning to perform public readings. It serves as a wonderful stepping stone into a deeper understanding of your spiritual self and can pave the way for a fulfilling spiritual business.
**Requirements for Participation:**
- 4 blank writing books or journals labeled: notes, symbols, dreams, abilities
- Your favorite transmitter crystal to serve as your etheric microphone.
- Completion of the free digital guide, *Spiritual Awakening through Ancient Intelligence.*
- Commitment to attend all meetings (12 hours total). No refunds.
The total investment for this transformative experience is **$1,499.00**, payable in full before our first meeting, with no exceptions. I also offer payment options through Affirm and Klarna.
I firmly believe that everyone has the ability to connect with Spirit, and I am dedicated to empowering you throughout this process. If you are ready to embark on this beautiful journey of personal growth and connection, please sign up today.
With love and light,
P.S. I look forward to supporting you as you discover your unique path to connecting with Spirit!
Learn how to balance your chakras through each live session. This chakra balancing guide will assist your self-healing journey. Digital handout included.
Use this letter template to transcend the pain from grief in your life today. Digital handout included on journey.
Meet my Guides - Sacred Orca
Depending on my location at times I begin to connect with actual living animals in an area that may need prayers. There are a few orcas that are alive now in captivity that I work with on the other side to help free. Orcas share with me sacred wisdom and help me to stay connected to collective healing. I was obsessed with the movie Free Willy as a child and I even was also obsessed with dolphins and would write about saving the pink dolphins for my topics to write on in early grade school.
The sacred ocra is tied to my soul tribe on earth and above. They teach me how to have fun and embody bliss. Ocras teach me about raising my consciousness through frequencies like binaural beats and other sounds. I've learned about the elements from working with the orca spirit guide. When sacred ocra shows up, I am reminded about my family and the people who mean the most to me. Ocras taught me how to dive deep within my soul.
Did you know that one of the first higher consciousnesses on the planet are the dolphins and whales?!
Our sacred animals and oceans need your help! The earth cries for us to help her! Learn how to pray from your heart and listen to the divine mother, act now! When we are unconscious we tend to ignore truth and feel disempowered, waiting on a savior to fix our own undoings. Awakening is inevitable and leads to conscious choices which puts the power back in our hands to do righteously. Your conscious connection influences not only yourself and your community but the earth at large.
Do you feel led to become a lightworker, quantum healer, and/or medical intuitive? I will teach you everything I know to blossom in the healing arts.
Session 1: Psychic healer activation initiation meditation. Begin lessons on reading the human energy field, auras, subtle bodies, meridians, and chakras of others.
Session 2: Learn medical intuition and how to apply understanding. Continued lessons on how to send healing to others, balancing techniques, quantum healing techniques, and shaman and reiki techniques for giving healing to people, pets, places, and objects.
Session 3: Lessons on remote viewing and healing, developing clair-senses, and putting everything together to give a remote healing. Practice psychometry to fine-tune your skills.
Session 4: You are put to the test! Give a healing session while I monitor and provide guidance on improvement.
Session 5: You are put to the test! Give a healing session to a pet, home, and malfunctioning objects.
Session 6: Closing remarks and tuning. You are put to the test! Give healing messages in the community group chat, demonstrate awareness skills, and complete the course as a medical intuitive and quantum healer.
You may complete this journey with 2 sessions a month for 3 months or 1 session a month for 6 months based on your preference. If you do not have any understanding of how to connect with your guides, spiritual development, or energy discernment please complete phase 1 of this journey first. If you decide to do a full 12-month journey I also offer payment plans if needed. Contact me today to set up a payment plan for the complete 12-month journey, at
Once you have completed the journey I will invite you to work alongside me as I open a virtual healing site in 2025 for paid part-time collaboration opportunities! I am also currently offering suite rental time for existing psychics and healers in the DFW area at a low cost per hour reservation. Contact me for an interview today, at
What's included?
Once you've registered and scheduled your first call, you will receive an introduction email with 2 downloadable PDF guides freebies. The pdf freebies are included on the original journey with Jojo spiritual development offer above. If you have completed phase one of the journey and already have the freebies, it doesn't stop there, although I recommend you take physical notes during this part of the journey, I included an additional $50 off the total price!
Included FREEBIES:
- **48-Page Mini-Book** - Spiritual Awakening with Ancient Intelligence, available in both print and digital formats. (*$33 value*)
- **9-Page Digital Chakra Balancing Guide** to help you open your energy centers. (*$5 value*)
This is a discounted package of 6 intuitive sessions that will help you develop your quantum healer and medical mediumship abilities to be able to confidently start your own healing arts practice or give healings and readings to others.
This unique package is available at a discounted session rate for a one-time payment of **$1,449.00** (6 sessions valued at **$2,340.00**), saving you **$891.00** plus the two FREEBIES (valued at $38)!
Unlock Your Potential: Become a Quantum Healer and Medical Intuitive
Are you ready to step into a life of deep purpose and transformation? Imagine not only healing yourself but also empowering others to find balance, vitality, and peace through your unique abilities. The world is in urgent need of healers—those who can access higher dimensions of energy and insight to facilitate profound healing.
I’m inviting you to join me on this incredible journey as a Quantum Healer and Medical Intuitive, where you’ll gain the knowledge and skills to offer powerful healing and transformative readings. Together, we can make a real difference in the lives of those seeking guidance, healing, and clarity—especially in today’s world that needs it more than ever.
Why This is the Perfect Opportunity for You:
- Learn Cutting-Edge Techniques: You’ll be trained in the advanced arts of Quantum Healing, where energy work meets science, allowing you to heal deep-rooted emotional, physical, and spiritual imbalances. As a Medical Intuitive, you'll develop the ability to access the body’s energy field and detect imbalances before they manifest physically.
- Transformative Healing: Quantum healing goes beyond traditional methods, tapping into the limitless potential of the quantum field to bring about lasting change. You will guide clients through energy shifts, inner clarity, and deep personal growth, offering them the healing they need on a soul-deep level.
- Build Your Own Practice: Once you’ve gained the skills you need, you’ll be fully prepared to start your own healing arts practice. Whether you prefer virtual sessions or in-person work, you’ll have the tools to help others in a way that fits your life and passion. There is no better time than to step into your entrepreneurial era! Develop a rewarding career which you can work from home or anywhere in the world.
- Work with Me: When you join this training, you won’t be alone. I will mentor you every step of the way, offering guidance, wisdom, and support as you step into this sacred role. You’ll be part of a conscious community of healers working together to elevate consciousness and assist others in their healing journeys.
What You Will Learn:
- Energy Medicine & Quantum Healing Techniques: How to access the quantum field, clear blockages, and facilitate healing through energy manipulation.
- Medical Intuition: How to tune into a person’s physical, emotional, and spiritual states to detect imbalances and offer targeted solutions.
- Healing Modalities: Various approaches to holistic healing, including chakra balancing, guided meditation, emotional release techniques, and more.
- Intuition Development: Strengthen your innate intuitive abilities to receive clear guidance and channel healing energy effectively.
- Creating a Healing Practice: Build a sustainable, thriving practice that aligns with your soul’s calling and serves those who need your gifts most.
Why Virtual Healing Services are More Important than Ever:
In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, people are seeking deeper connections and support. The rise of virtual healing services allows you to reach clients from all corners of the globe, creating an impact that goes far beyond what you might have ever imagined.
Your ability to offer remote healing will make you an even more powerful resource, as individuals worldwide search for healing solutions, especially in challenging times. This is your opportunity to step up, be the change, and guide others toward holistic healing. The healing arts industry is valued at billions of dollars- tap into your stream of divine income!
If you feel called to become a Quantum Healer and Medical Intuitive, now is the time to take action. I am here to assist those called into Lightwork. I will initiate you through this sacred rite of passage.
Let’s work together to unlock your highest potential, and step into the world of healing arts with confidence, clarity, and compassion.
Are you ready to make a lasting impact? Let's begin this transformative journey together!
Spaces are limited. Reach out today to claim your spot and start your path to becoming a powerful healer.
**Sign up today** and take the first step towards a more fulfilled and empowered life. Together, let’s unlock your spiritual potential!
- Access and download your Zoom video and audio recordings right after each of our sessions. Additionally, Zoom provides a valuable written transcript and session outline to help you revisit our discussions and insights at your convenience.
- I'm excited to invite you to join the Journey with Jojo 6-Month Spiritual Transformation WhatsApp chat group! This fantastic community allows journey members in phase 1 and 2 to engage in topic-based discussions, share ideas, stories, and inspiration, as well as receive important announcements. Participation is completely optional, and if you prefer, you can just observe silently! Either way, I promise you will benefit from the learning opportunities and abundant happiness that awaits you! Let’s continue to grow together, sign up today.