Blog Post
War and Why We Shouldn't Have It
October 26, 2023 | No. 7 | By Jordan Johnson
This is a prayer for anyone in the midst of war, "In the name of light, may the angels shine their light and comfort around you. May this light extend from within your heart, as a vision is shared of hope for a new day. May opportunities go to you and those in need. May the unethical wars stop immediately and aid be brought to you and those in need. I call on the universe to cease war on Earth. May stories be told and their truths heard. May those missing be found and those trapped be rescued divinely. May there be food, water, fresh air, and medicine brought to you and to those in need as quickly as possible. May the light of God continue to fill the hearts of all grieving and suffering. Light and love to all the children, families, and to the homeless at war. May miracles reign for those who need them the most at these challenging times upon this planet."
Why War?
War only hurts everyone involved. When I think of the parts that lead to physically violent war, it's led by strong-willed, greedy, and corrupt leaders who are unable to resolve conflict through communication, negotiation, and coming to an agreement.
Why War? Because it brings profit to certain systems and there is hate in one or both of the parties involved.
Our truest nature is as a high vibrational light being rooted in love. Through the 3rd dimension, the light being, our spirit, becomes a part of a growing and evolving human body and consciousness. There are parts of the physical matter that either help keep the light body energy flowing throughout the body or there is matter that blocks the flow. When there are blockages, life force energy does not flow through meridians and chakras around the body and this can cause imbalances within the physical or emotional bodies. Is this a war between flesh and spirit?
I don't believe that it is. It is the experience through duality and of realization of spirit leading to peace, healing, harmony, and balance as one body, mind, and light being spirit. The physical body in a lifetime is influenced by past lives and spirit evolution toward higher consciousness or Christ consciousness. There is Christ consciousness and there is Anti-Christ consciousness and we see many of these anti-Christ archetypes ruling on earth during these times infesting the senses of the masses with deception, control, and fear. Ones that have ascended into Christ's consciousness are usually not in high places but rather working with the underrepresented and quietly for world peace and self-empowerment. I think of all of the ascended masters who have incarnated on earth and brought us teaching on our natural healing capabilities and connection to God within.
No one is perfect in the fallen 3rd dimension and because of this, duality is what is perfect. This is both the light and the dark as one is perfection.
The story of Yeshua Jesus Christ flipping tables when upset is an example of humanity's Christ consciousness in justifiable anger causing a ruckus.
The American culture shames the angry and I don't agree with this because anger is a part of our nature.
The divine goddess Kali is one of my favorite representations of the divine nurturing mother who is also a fierce warrior and demon slayer. The power and might of a mama bear defending her baby cub from life-threatening danger is another example of what I would call justifiable anger.
Our culture paints a false image of what the realities of most really looks like. Multiple realities exist at once and this pressure to conform to systems made by corruption and led by profit is leaving people feeling unworthy, depressed, and anxious when they do not fit the status quo or make mistakes. Culture should be more accepting of the spectrum of our human emotions. Negative emotions are an opportunity for evolution.
Anger tends to develop after we notice that there is an imbalance that we feel we cannot resolve or find peace with. Hate drives anger and when hate and anger become obsessive there is war.
Past Midnight: A New Hour of Law and Order
Law and order are necessary for a system to work. This is true as we understand and live by the laws of the universe and energy. In the current hour of humanity, there is an overwhelming call for a motion forward to help bring fairness and justice to laws and political and religious systems in control and governing us that need reform for the higher good of all. The corruption in law and order on this planet has run us past midnight on the doomsday clock.
Many have been brought back to their families at these times and through unbelievable means. Trust this. The horrific scenes and photos of the images we see of war in other places of the world can certainly happen anywhere and in the blink of an eye.
The corruption in our governing systems fueled by greed, hate, and control has led us to the long-fated planetary alignments in the sky today. We have entered under the planetary alignments of war, past midnight, and with nuclear threats across the world. This is not okay.
Astrologically we are at the beginning of the Saros cycle 146 with Pluto squaring the north and south nodes in Aries (war) Libra. This affects us as a collective and within our individual lives and historically has happened at the start of war. These astrological and fated shifts may have lasting effects on us for years to come. If you were to ask anyone with prophetic or psychic ability we have been speaking on the visions we have received that speak about these days for the past several years.
Many wars are led by the desire for genocide and to try and stop the continuation of targeted races. I can remember back at the start of the pandemic when I was led to write a 30-page prophetic message on pandemics and the wars to come. It was imperative to mention that wars are driven by biowarfare including genetic warfare. I was shown visions of evil leaders like Hitler who was obsessed with genetic science experiments and his energy connected me to the United States President at the time of the start of our most recent worldwide pandemic. I was called to share a message on Donald Trump and how the air would be poisoned and when he becomes exposed to watch out for his best friends across seas- Putin and Kim Jong Un specifically.
The visions that I received around this time last year regarding a question I was asked about upcoming wars have been fulfilled. As of this past month, the news-sharing images of American aircraft ships headed across to the Persian Gulf are the images of the vision I was shown to prepare for. We are all in a new world. A lot that was before the pandemic no longer is and now we are at the point of integration of what we have learned through the past 3-4 years with the new lives we have created from all of the chaos. October 2023 is a month of long-anticipated fate. I began to surrender in Septemeber and allowed myself through the valley that this month would bring. A time of fate yet mass unpredictability. There are many paths we can take.
Families are divided more than ever and with no solutions or support for healing. This is a major problem for our society because family is very important for healthy communities. Everyone needs a hand and support here and there but with family today trust is broken and on many levels. Many children grow up witnessing and experiencing the effects of unconscious parenting leading to fighting within the home and this then shapes our future generations' subconscious. This subconscious programming is fed and expanded by the media outlets as collective programming that is systemically enforced to keep people tuned to. This mind then goes and votes for elected officials and here we are today. We are not to blame God, but rather the God within us that has led us all here today. Not always but most leaders of the modern world are elected by the people. The spiral continues and we then have elected governments in parts of the world that then suggest war. It all starts with the family, and then we have war.
When there are two, there is God. On the flip side, when there are two there can also be chaos, like two static frequencies.
Innocent people are being falsely acquitted and at times murdered by the police who are supposed to serve as protection and justice keepers. It would seem that police are here strictly to enforce laws whether they need reform or not and this is a serious issue for many especially people of color who are disproportionally affected by police brutality and the racist systems tied to the judicial and political systems governing. Young people are not educated on law in grade school and are then expected to obey the laws they do not know. Leave it to the police and everyone stays uneducated because many police when they are arresting people do not care if people know the laws or not. Police have a tendency to not care to educate people on their rights and law but rather just enforce and this is where many have lost trust in a needed system.
Use Indigo Blue
There are people who are rooted in love and hate in every professional field. We tend to say, "an end to the industry" but rather we should see the cracks in the codes as what needs tuning rather than the professional. It's people's purpose that drives war, not the person.
This is why there is war. There is an overwhelming majority who believe that good comes from punishment- a culture deeply programmed by hate and confusion. So rooted in hate, another way to enforce change to many seems impossible or unthinkable.
Punishing children instead of teaching them with compassion and love has shaped the generations who are behind the modern vote. The vote has brought us here today in war. When there is war, there is a need for help, healing, and clear sight. When there is war it is a time for a need to reconnect and retune with the God of love within. It is the younger generations being born within the last 30 years who have good karma, also known as volunteers, who are the water barriers of a better more peaceful day and they will bring solution forward concepts that many will not be able to see or hear.
We are seeing waves of esp indigo babies being born that have elevated consciousness and are truly the earth's helpers in the midst of war. I see many children born after 2000 with this energy and a new wave during the most recent pandemic. We will see another wave of these children in the masses from now in October 2023 until 2027, and by then we should be at the end of this current war-painted sky. These are the children who remember what unconditional love feels like in the light and their lights are felt here in this fallen dimension. These are the lightworkers who trigger awakening in people simply by looking at them or hearing them speak.
The war on drugs, the war on terrorism, the war on child and human modern-day slavery and trafficking. When will all of this war end? When will we realize that religion separates us and is a leader behind wars? When will we all experience peace and agreement coexisting through unique and individual paradigms as one?
The answer is up to each and every one of us reflecting our individual consciousness projecting the collective consciousness. When we are able to tap into higher consciousness we tend to be able to see what is for the collective good and how to get there. We are led for the highest good when we follow our spirit. You can trust the valley that you are led to if you follow your spirit. Unfortunately, most believe that it is evil to tap into their right brain consciousness or that they are unable to. Many believe that intuition is a gift psyching their selves out of being able to find the answers from within. When there is more community tuned to this truth, everyone in the community benefits and becomes more empowered and confident which strengthens the connection of intuition. Intuition is the color indigo, wise, warm, and will never lead us astray. Indigo shields us and elevates us to a higher perspective.
Babies born after the awakening around 2018 are more and more children born with conscious parents. This makes a world of difference in their lives and for the collective. Indigo children are often misunderstood, misdiagnosed, and have a natural spiritual resistance working against them that is reflected in this demesion as hardship or opposition. Many want the indigo to be wrong so that they do not have to break out of the box and can play it safe on the hamster wheel. The Inidgo has one of the bright lights and potential within their community but there is a tendency for their reputation to be questionable because they in reality have so much good about them that they are the outlier of the group. Indigos raise eyebrows while also breaking chains, generational curses, and systemic corruption. Indigos are not our saviors but rather the example of how to save ourselves. The blue is within us all.
When I figured out that life is not a spiritual warfare I was able to change my perspective on war. When we say things like spiritual warfare it is deceiving to what is actually happening. It elicits fear to say that we are all battling an unseen war. It can feel like a battle this is true; however, the battle is already won. Therefore, this concept of spiritual warfare in reality is what we call a journey through duality.
When we look at spiritual warfare in this light, we can find a place of peace even in our darkest hours. There is a purpose for the valley. Trust it. Trust the bigger picture and if the bigger picture is not yet revealed, have faith. When in war ask spirit, what is my purpose in this experience and how do I move forward as a warrior of light? We are all equipped with the armor of God but most do not know how to use it.
Put on your breastplate of righteousness and realize that you are the lion, "I am the lion, and the hyenas can gather and watch me because I know who I am and my power." When you know that you are connected to God from within you, it helps you to remember that the battle is won and the fight is more so an experience or a test leading to evolution and the next part of a lifelong journey.
There is a divide on Earth right now. There are those in a 3D mindset who are unable to raise their frequencies to a higher state of truth. They tend to shame, avoid, discriminate, or defame those who value third-eye connection and 5D consciousness. They also tend to want to hold systems in place that do not work for the collective and their purpose is as resistance to the much needed change. The positive note is that these days, we have progressive science to support our realities. Not everyone will awaken, only those able to work with higher truths which usually contradict the ego and holds people back. Change comes through being uncomfortable. Chaos births creation.
In these days on Earth, those who do not understand psychic or spiritual abilities and try to institutionalize people who have a different sense and perception, are simply uneducated on the matter or deceived by a false programmed image of what intuitive intelligence really is. There is research, science, and institutes proving that the brain is far more vast than what we are trained to tap into naturally. The knowing of how to tap into psychic ability or information in the midst of war can save a person. When the psychic abilities are trained they can serve to help us in times of emergency and peril. Intuition is for survival and why so many are awakening to this truth at this time on Earth after it has been long programmed into the people to be separate from this infinite connection.
It's a time of awakening. Why? Because it will save us. Intuition will bring us to peace. How we have been living is not working. There is a call for reform in every system and if we are guided by our heart-brain connection I believe the world will become a more harmonious place.
Many fear that tapping into their inner source could lead to evil. The truth is that ignorance leads to evil. Awareness leads to truth and healing. This will be the day that man lives in harmony with one another and nature again.
Stop the genocides.
Stop voting based on big financial savings and vote towards human rights before the human right to a financial system is taken away.
Balance and harmony.
End Racism.
End the Hate.
End the Wars.
Stop the Division.
Stop the Abuse.
Choose Healing.
Go Within.
Listen to the Blue.
Remember Empathy.
Choose Compassion.
Control vs Surrender.
The Ego Fear Mind vs The Spirit Love Mind.
Use Discernment.
Don't Give Up.
Call in Your Angels.
It's time for change and we are being pushed by the universe to bring these changes. Elevate to a higher state of consciousness to end wars on Earth. The world needs you- tap in and be your authentic self. Be your higher self here on earth. Let your light shine bright.
Let us remember in the midst of war, that our enemies are connected to the same God, the same Source to us all. By perfect design, a system has fallen through knowledge, skill, trade, and choice- for the best and highest good. Let us remember that hell is here on Earth and that the God of unconditional love, who oaths, does not condemn spirits to hell but rather allows this creation.
Visualize the day that we want to see. Your visuals are important and powerful. Imagine the world in peace and allow us to unfold into this new day with time. Healing prayers to around the world today.
Awakening to the next level, remembering who we are, as warriors of light, equipt by God, as the saviors of ourselves, together.