This 9-page pdf guide is an outline to use when energy balancing and chakra healing.
Chakras are energy vortex centers along the body that revolve energy in and out of your energy fields. Each chakra relates to specific organs and nerves within the body and is influenced by your energetic experiences. Chakras can become blocked or imbalanced throughout our daily experiences including negative emotional experiences left unprocessed within. All chakras are interconnected and work together. Healing one energetic imbalance may cause healing to trickle throughout the entire energetic system. While there are many chakra centers and minor points throughout the body, this guide covers the 7 main chakras: root, sacral, solar, heart, throat, and crown.
Includes crystals, herbs, foods, sounds, affirmations that resonate with balance for each chakra, and the manifestations of a balanced chakra versus an imbalanced chakra.
You have an inner power to influence your internal world that reflects your external world. Do all things with love, not fear. Educate yourself on the body’s self-healing power and how your thoughts influence your health and reality.
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